10 Steps to Go from Clueless to Skilled

A 4-week course designed to help you learn and provide bookkeeping services! 

Are you serious about adding bookkeeping services to your virtual assistant business… to stand out, earn more income, and do more with your life?

  • Maybe you are a VA who wants to learn bookkeeping so that you can assist your bookkeeping clients with their client basic data entry.

  • Maybe you are a VA who wants a quick and easy solution to learn basic bookkeeping.

  • It’s possible you’ve been looking for a way to communicate better with your clients’ CPAs.

  • Perhaps your income is on an all-time low and all you want is to earn more money from existing clients.

  • Or maybe you just want to expand your services.

If you answered yes to any or all of these, then I’d like to say congratulations on taking your first step towards building a profitable bookkeeping career. 

You’re in the right place… 

And now is the perfect time to raise your skill level to become a competent bookkeeper, as well as gain the confidence you’ll need to work with clients. 

If you’re like me, you’d realize that something exciting is happening in the world of bookkeeping. What was once seen as a boring job is now regarded as a real profession with great earning potential. 

Even better, bookkeeping is an UNTAPPED treasure-trove waiting to be claimed by able people like you. 

Maybe you heard about it in the past but didn’t know how to make it happen. 

You even tried, but just couldn’t get clients – not one single client! 

Or maybe you’re just learning about the earning potential in the virtual bookkeeping industry, but don’t want to sacrifice your time to take a university level accounting course. The solution STARES RIGHT AT YOU!

You can learn and master the basics of bookkeeping – even WITHOUT an accounting background in less than 4 hours!

The Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping for Virtual Assistants course is designed to help ambitious professionals like you break free from their daily grind and create a business that brings in steady, predictable income by including virtual bookkeeping services to their virtual assistant business. 

This course takes away the mystery of virtual bookkeeping by outlining the steps to building your business.

  • Becoming the go-to source for your service

  • Being able to enjoy a good, steady income and job security because businesses practically depend on you to run their business smoothly

  • Being able to finally stop second guessing yourself on how to start a virtual bookkeeping business that doesn’t affect your usual VA tasks

  • Waking up every day ready to do what you love while making more money than most people do online

  • Being able to simply implement a formula for a profitable virtual bookkeeping business

You can achieve all this when you decide to sign up for my bookkeeping course. It worked for hundreds of others, and I’m 100% certain it’ll work for you too. 

There are lots of opportunities in the accounting world. The universities teach you how to work for someone else, at their beck and call. Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping for Virtual Assistants is different; I teach you how to do bookkeeping as a business – a profitable one!

"Here’s How The Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping for Virtual Assistants Has Changed The Lives Of People And How It Can Change Your Life Too"  


Victoria, BC

I really enjoyed the course. You put a lot of thought into the presentation and it comes through very easy to follow and understand.


Cape Coral, FL

I enjoyed the course. After taking accounting and bookkeeping courses in the past, I can say this was the best. I can now say as others who took this same course that I finally “get it.”


Albuquerque, NM

I enjoyed the course very much; it was just what I needed to refresh my knowledge of accounting from College……many years ago. The material will especially be helpful as I work with my son-in-law in the establishment of his business.

Of course, you could take the trial and error approach, and spend days, weeks, months, and thousands of dollars trying to build your virtual bookkeeping business… 

Or you could go with someone who has been there and done that. Someone who’s willing to help you skip the many, many steps of starting a virtual bookkeeping business and take you right to where you want and need to be.

When you buy my course today, you’ll also receive the following HUGE exclusive additional bonuses...

Support for Bookkeeping Software 

Managing bookkeeping for a growing business is not easy, especially if you’re new to bookkeeping. You will receive support for bookkeeping software that will help you get your bookkeeping done and handled professionally 

Resources to help you along the way

 Unlike most courses that just leave you to your fate, allowing you figure out the rest once you buy, you’ll get additional useful resources to help you along the way.

Lesson One: 

Address Preconceptions and Barriers to learning accounting process (MINDSET) 





False Confidence  

Lesson Two: 

The Language of Business is Accounting- Define Business Type

Sole Proprietor


Limited Liability Companies

Non- Profits

Lesson Three: 

Accounting Framework

Balance Sheet - Assets, Liabilities, Equity

P&L Statement - Income Expense

Step 3  General Ledger and Chart of Accounts - Name of All the accounts in your business

Lesson Four: 

Financial Statements

Pulling it all together

Lesson Five: 

Debits and Credits

Entering transactions

Accounting for transactions 

Posting to the General Ledger 

What is posting, explained

Lesson Six: 

Preparing a Trial Balance

What is a Trial Balance, how to prepare one?

Lesson Seven: 

Prepare Financial Statements 

Exercises, prepare yourself 


Lesson Eight: 

Conclusion and Questionnaire 

Summary, and feedback. 

Lesson Nine: 

Step 9 – Bookkeeping Software'

Lesson Ten: 

Step 10 – Resources to help you along the way 

  • Solopreneurs or small business owners who run a virtual administration business.

  • Someone who has an appreciation for keeping good books of accounts but does not know where to begin or how to offer bookkeeping services to their clients.

  • People who are short on time but keen to fix their present situation with regards to expanding their service offerings, namely bookkeeping.

  • Someone who cannot afford, or have the time, to take a university level accounting course.

Hello, my name is Kent Bascome, and I am here to help you get prepared to becoming a competent and excellent bookkeeper like no one else. 

As an accounting coach, I have helped hundreds of solopreneurs and small business owners like you learn basic bookkeeping so that they can provide bookkeeping services and make more money. And I am here to do the same for you with my Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping for Virtual Assistants course.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will this course work for me?

    Just like you, hundreds of other professionals have taken this course and have been successful and have added basic bookkeeping skills to their business. I designed the course with non-accountants in mine and have taught the same information to many other professionals like yourself.

  • How long will I have access to this course?

    After ordering, you have unlimited access to this course across all devices you own – for as long as you like.

  • I want to increase my income, but I am busy right now and don’t think the time is right

    Well, the truth is, there will never be a right time. However, this course is designed to cater for both busy people and people with a lot of free time. The Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping for Virtual Assistants is designed to work at your own pace.

Order now to start your first lesson today!